Click below to see all our current selection of traditional Huipil blouses hand made and machine made.
Feel free to ask any questions, thank you
Click below to view all our selection of traditional Tehuana dresses both hand made or machine sewn
Theuana Styes specializes in offering the world hand made sewn and embroided well taken care of lightly used extraordinary pieces of art that a woman can wear.
These are made in the Istmo of Tehuantepec, Juchitan, Rancho Gubiña and the surrounding areas of the state of Oaxaca Mexico by locals with over 70 years of experience. These pieces of art that one can wear called Huipiles and complete Gala Tehuana dresses can take up to 12 months to make as they are carefully embodied or sewn by hand.
We also offer machine made Huipiles and hand made Huipil tops and complete Tehuana dresses as well as hand bags and accessories.
Please visit our site by navigating using the menu buttons on the top and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or requests. We will be happy to help you own a piece of wearable art today!